Monday, May 9, 2011

Random stuff

Today I was cleaning up my room a bit and I ran across a journal that my grandfather gave me. I only wrote in it a few times. My wife even wrote in the journal a few times. Just reading it brought me back to that time when the war was really bad in Iraq. We lost 114 Soldiers in our Squadron alone that tour. Thats a really rough subject and hard to choke down so I'm gonna talk about something else.

It's crazy how one day can seem so long over here. My first tour in Iraq I counted down the days until I got home. I had a calender and marked off each day. Little did I know that was torture because I knew every single day that went by and I knew how many days I had left. That one year seemed like a decade. Now I try my best to not keep track of the days here so before you know it one week is gone. Then a month goes by.  Counting by the month is alot better because the numbers are alot smaller. It's just being here that seems like forever because when I do finally come home it doesnt seem like I was gone long at all. But then again being home flashes by and Im deployed again. Hopefully  Ill be able to stay home for two years this time since they extended the dwell time to two years come October 1st. Who knows though the Arab world is going crazy and now there is talks that Pakistan may have know that OBL was in their country. So who knows where we will go next. My 20 years is coming up soon so I figure I can only be deployed one more time.

Im not really a political person but I dont like how the media bashes President Obama. He is the President. Show him alittle respect. Who cares what he wears? Is it hurting you? Who cares what his wife wears? OMG she's wearing a colorful dress. I'm going to have a heart attack. Hopefully this is covered in the new medical plan. So what if he smokes newports. Cigarettes are legal. He produces his birth certificate and a new article criticizes the birth certificates authenticity because the race had African American. They said at the time that he was born that the birth certificate would have stated negro in the race column. Everything he does is criticized and twisted around. During this time and day I think American's as a whole needs to stand behind one another and support eachother to include the President of the United States. That is all I have to say about that.

Anyways, tomorrow after my workout. I take my 30 day photos. Im pretty excited about that because I could already see a change after the first week. We will see. But Im not going to post pictures until I complete my full 90 days.

Well its midnight here so I need to head to bed. Hope you all have a wonderful day.



Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!!!

First I have to thank my wife for being the most amazing mother ever. She works, takes care of our two babies, does all the finances, makes sure I have everything I need, and so much more. I am truely blessed to have such a great woman in my life. I love you baby and Happy Mother's Day!

Today was a great day for me. I was able to talk to my grandpa. He is currently taking chemo but amazingly seems in good health so that is such a relief. He is like the bounty hunter of the family and keeps track of us all because we all live in different states. I think its funny how some families live in one state all their lives. My family and my wifes side of the family live all over the U.S. Christmas cards is a mother(BLEEP). Yeah but my grandfather has this endless wisdom about him and will talk your head off. It's always nice to call him and hear the excitement in his voice. Then I called my Aunt Ivette and she gets crazy excited to hear my voice. It always makes me laugh.

After that I talked to my wifey and I got to see my babies on webcam. God I miss them all so much. Hearing my son say, "Hi daddy! I love you daddy!" makes me laugh. They both are so cute. So I got my wife some chocolates and flowers for Mother's Day. My wife and Gabriel start eating the chocolate while on webcam. In my freakin little face! I'm so jealous. I would love to eat some chocolate but I cant if I want to get this P90X beach body. Hopefully I dont go home and binge on junk food to make up for lost time without it. I have to stay focused.  Mmmm this water is so good. Not really but let's just pretend that it is.

I also tried to call my mom twice today but she didnt answer the phone. She is also not phone savy so her voicemail isnt set up so I couldnt even leave her a message. Now she will probably feel neglected and unloved. Hey that is not my fault. I tried to call you mom. It's just crazy. She gives me an email to email her at. She emails me like once from that email. Get with the times mom. We use facebook now. Most peoples excuse is I dont know how to use that stuff. Do I have to go prehistoric with a chizel and stone tablet? I guess I'll have to write her a good old fashioned letter. That just made my hand hurt thinking about it. Anyways, thats about everything that went on today. I hope all you Mother's out there have a wonderful and Happy Mother's Day!

Luis signing out!  

Saturday, May 7, 2011

My 1st Blog

Star date: 07-05-2011. I dont know why I feel like Captain Kirk writing a blog. I'm so waiting for Scotty to say, "I've given her all she's got Captain." Captain Kirk was a brave super freak though. He would have sex with green and purple women from different planets. Didnt he worry about getting some kind of alien super crabs or antenneas growing downtown on his groin region? Ok, Am I showing my age here? Some of you young bucks dont even know who Captain Kirk is.

This is my first blog so bare with me. I guess its about random thoughts that go through an individuals mind. I'm 30 something going on 20 something. I have the most wonderful wife and beautiful kids in the world. My wife Jennifer, my daughter Erica, my son Gabriel, and my daughter Lilliana. Absolutely mean the world to me. Love them all to death.

I would say my life wasn't always happy and there has been some rocky roads but stuff happens in everyones life where they have hard times and they struggle through it. I think this is where people get their wisdom and learn not to do that again or go a different way about doing something. I read somewhere, "If God brought you to hell he would see you thru it." Well I have been to hell and back and God has saw me through it. I also read somewhere that tough times dont last tough people do. I'd like to think that I'm one of those tough people. During those tough lonely times I would pray to God with all my heart and hundreds of tears. Sometimes I thought God may have been punishing me for bad I have done but in time God answered my prayers. He brought Jennifer into my life. My imagination of the most amazing woman in the world couldn't compare to the greatness of my wife. God finally answered my prayers and gave me someone beyond anything I could have ever dream or wish for.  

Anyways, I started P90X 27 days ago. My goal is to workout for 90 days without taking a off day. Once I'm done with Classic P90X. I'll take one day off then I'm going to go do Doubles P90X for 90 days. After that maybe I'll venture into crossfit. Hopefully this will lead to me working out at least 6 days a week and lead me to a healthier lifestyle. My wife wont let me get a Harley so I have to do something right?

I see Tony Horton and he is 50 something now and he has the body of a buff 20 something year old man. I have seen people that are in their 50's. It looks like they are in their 70's and they are just waiting to die. I have two young babies. Gabriel is 2 and Lilliana is going to be 8 months soon. I want to be healthy when they get older. I want to be able to play with my grandchildren without worrying if I'm going to have a heart attack at any second. Plus I want that beach body.

This is my 4th tour to Iraq. Everytime I come here it sucks being away from home so bad but what can I do? This is the life I choose and this what I love doing. At no time do I consider myself a hero but its nice to walk in the footsteps of heros. I'm proud to wear this uniform and serve my country. I know when it comes time to retire that it will be hard to say good bye to the only job I have ever really known. I remember the times that sucked in the Army better than the times that were good. I went to my first duty station at Fort Stewart, GA. a buck private. I was in my unit less than a week and I went to the field. I was in my motorpool with one of my sergeants and he said "hop in the truck you are going to drive us to the field." Back then we drove duece and a halfs. They were standard. I never drove a stick before sergeant. He said dont worry you'll learn and he laughed. So I press the clutch in and slammed it into first like a race care driver. I slowly let off the clutch and give it some gas. We are rolling. Im rather excited I didnt eff that up.  Then I get it into second no problem. I'm thinking I'm a natural pro at driving a stick. Little did I know I was dead wrong. So I get it on a little stretch of road where I could go into 3rd gear. Its in second gear now and I need to go to 3rd gear. I press in the clutch but not far enough so when I go to put it in third gear I grind the gears which rattle the crap out of my hands. My sergeant says, "If you cant find it grind it." So out of nervousness to find a gear I put it in 5th gear from second gear. It idles so low it stalls the engine on a curve which makes this beast of a truck hard as hell to turn. Needless to say I was a hot mess driving that truck but my sergeant was right I did learn. It started to rain a good and hard Georgia rain and the truck I was driving didnt have a windshield so the rain was slapping me in my face and it was cold as hell. My sergeant has a windshield on his side so he is laughing at me getting soaked and squinting my eyes because the large buckets of rain that was coming down. By the time we get to the field site my body is trembling and my teeth are chattering. It was so cold. I can laugh at that now but at the time it was the worst feeling ever. All I wanted to do is get in a scolding hot shower, change into dry clothes and get  into a warm bed. Nope we had to set up our field site which took all night. I was walking through puddles of water up to my knees. I'll never forget moments like that where you just have to embrace the suck and keep working.

Well I think that is enough of the blogging stuff. I'm getting tired. Have a great day everyone.
